Wednesday, December 10, 2008

DL Database: Content Provider Login

Below is a video with the functionality that we are requesting for content providers that will use our Interactive VideoConference Catalog:

If you have suggestions for improving this portion of the database, or if you have questions, please let us know by using the Comments link below.

Thank you for your assistance with this project!

DL Database: District Admin Login

Below is a simulation of the functionality we are requesting for administrative users of the Interactive VideoConference Catalog:

If you have questions about the database or if you have suggestions for improving this database, please use the Comments link below.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

DL Database: Enhanced Search

The video below is a simulation of the functionality that is currently programmed in to our database that is currently in production:

If you have questions or comments, please let us know by using the comments link below!

DL Database: Teacher Login

This is a simulation of the tools teachers will have access to when they log in to the GST Interactive VideoConference Catalog:

If you have comments about it and would like to let us know how to improve it, please use the comments link below!

Monday, December 1, 2008

GST Distance Learning Database

Over the next couple weeks, we will be adding videos that simulate the functionality we are requesting as part of the GST Video Conference database. Our database is currently in the development stages.

If you have comments or suggestions, please let us know at!

Video #1: Database Introduction