Friday, September 5, 2008

K12 DL - Doable and Practical!

I just read a TechLearning article called "Videoconferencing in K12 Classrooms: Doable and Practical, FINALLY!" It's a great article for anyone who is interested in exploring ways that interactive video conferencing can benefit students at a fraction of the cost and time of ordinary field trips.

If you are hesitant about trying distance learning, lay your fears aside because to me, distance learning is one of the friendlier technologies to use because someone else has done most of the work for you! Your district's distance learning contact person hooks up the equipment for you. If you participate in the GST BOCES Distance Learning Service, you can have support throughout the process. After that, it's all about planning and being prepared, just like you would for any other lesson. When using distance learning, as with any other technology, you always want to prepare a plan B in the event that the connection doesn't work.

Stop back and visit this blog often to learn more information about distance learning and interactive video conferencing!

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