Monday, May 11, 2009

Tech in General...

A colleague of mine sent me this blog post this morning and I thought some of you might find it interesting...

It is a response to a teacher who said, "I hate technology."

The response is (very) sarcastic, but if you can get past the sarcasm, there are some excellent points in this article that could be raised with those who shy away from technology. If the reasons were restated in a more positive light, technology-shy teachers might begin to see why the use of technology is so powerful, and a necessary part of teaching...

Instructional support for the use of technology is key. When teachers have someone available to walk them through the use of technology in the classroom, they are more apt to experiment with it. True for video conferencing, Microsoft PowerPoint, Kidspiration, Web 2.0 tools...

Remember, we are available to support you as you investigate the use of video conferencing with your students. Contact us if you want to practice using IVC equipment, or if you need help finding content providers or collaborative partners:

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