Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ESL Collaborative IVC Project

Think about planning ahead for next year. If you are an ESL teacher and would like to use video conferencing, this project looks like fun! Log in to CAPSpace to learn more about it!

Title: Getting To Know you:
Status: Open
Connections: H.323
Grades: 9, 10, 11, 12, Undergrad
Subjects: Language Arts/English
Dates: Between September 9-October 29 anytime between 1-4pm EDT

Description: I teach adult ESL/Basic Skills. My students are at an Intermediate level of language development. I would like to meet with another class and spend some time learning about each other
1) Write a background paragraph about the community, class school
2) When students meet during the VC, ask for clarification questions and get some detailed information about the students in the class.
3) Students would complete a chart (designed by partner classes) as a followup activity

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